Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Synapse And Neurotransmitters

So you understand neurotransmitters I will explain synapses and their purpose.

A synapse is the way your brain passes information from cell to cell. A synapse uses chemical and electrical impulses to send these messages.

Each nerve cell has thousands of synapse and these synapses are democratic. There are two types of synapse, Inhibitory and exhibitory. Inhibitory won’t cause the cell to fire and exhibitory will. Also the area of the synapses on the cell determines the strength of its “vote”.

Over the past few days I’ve learned about neurotransmitters and how they work. I have yet to learn how illicit drugs affect the nervous system but I’ll Explain What I Know about Neurotransmitters.

A neurotransmitter moves from neuron to neuron going from an electrical impulse to a chemical which there are nine of but all fit into three chemical compounds and then back to an electrical impulse. This all happen in a place called the peripheral nervous system but there are neurotransmitters all over the rest of your body as well.

Neurotransmitters are released into a gap where they convert into chemical form and are received by receptor cells then change back into electricity. These receptors are placed on a postsynaptic cell the gap is called a synapse they combine with protein and cause an impulse depending if it is inhibited or exhibited.

1 comment:

  1. Wow there is alot of big words in there good I dont have a ranging vocabulary :)
